Friday, January 09, 2004

New Acquisitions

In which the author "hurrays" over recent gifts from his mother

Thanks to, Christmas from my mother came a bit late this year. It was good. I like it a bit more spread out. It's like the surprise dessert after an already satisfying meal. Anyway, the gifts came late. She sent us "Winged Migration" on DVD, "You are the New Day" CD by the King's Singers, and several books on bird watching for Kendra.

As for books for me, I received The Emerging Church, Tolstoy's The Gospel in Brief, and Lyle Schaller's 44 Questions for Congregational Self-appraisal. They were all on my wish list. How handy is that?! Thanks, Mom!!!

But because I'm reading through the Bible until February 9, the books sit on my shelf unread, taunting me like an iPod in a candy store. Of course that's a different topic for a different blog.

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